Hi Everyone!
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jake. My Momma said that I could hang out with her on this blog of hers. I know she luves to keep her fingernails purty. I have a secret to tell you, now lean in real close to me...I will not let my Momma polish my toe nails! No...no way will I even let her get close to my toes! Believe me, she has tried. Ask her and she will deny it. I like my toe nails natural and yes I do bite.
So do you paint your pet's toe nails?
I love spending my day just playing with my toys and lying on my perches watching those little yummy birdies outside my windows.
Well, it was very nice to meet you. I hope that you support my Momma's love of nail polish.
I'll give you a little purr later.
Jake or as my Momma calls me Jakey.